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Its been awhile...

I have not taken a great deal of time on the blog posts, primarily because I want the website to stand on its own, but today, while working on adding information, it struck me that perhaps the purpose of this website has not been addressed for awhile. Of course, the primary reason any group puts out a page on the internet is to anchor that group in the ever-expanding universe of discussion and debate.

For a faith based group, of whatever stripe, it is also a way of giving others opportunities to learn of that belief system, and maybe to introduce someone to information they've not considered. For many of us, including the evangelical Christian - especially the Christians like me that believe the Bible from cover to cover--yes, the world was created by a holy God in 7 24-hour days; yep, I'm one of those--it is a chance to share with the world what we believe and WHY we believe it.

The hope I have for this website is that visitors might look at the offerings--the sermons, the maps, the outlines, the Bible studies, the places to do some soul-searching in private, and the chance to contact loving believers who can help the searcher discover more truths in a one-on-one or in a group setting.

I had hoped to be able to set up live over the net studies, but so far have been pretty much working on the basic library of information. Between the extensive work of our founding pastor, Chuck Clawson, whose passion for truth and archaeology and history (he holds a Master's in Logistical Engineering and once presented a logistics study on the Exodus at the Pentagon...) resonates through all of his work, the unshakable faith of our Associate Pastor, Billy Robertson, who has seen miracles and power in his many years as a Prison Chaplain, and the strong foundation of our Lay Leader, Joshua Justice, who holds a Bachelor's in the Social Sciences with a particular interest in Ancient History (and a powerful witness to a miracle or two in his own life...), our body of believers wants only the best and life and truth for any and all who may look through this website.

Covenant Bible's website is meant to be a place for research, inspiration, foundation building, personal exploration and accountability, and connection with the Body of Christ at large. Our King is a big, big God and a loving, although very just, Father. He invites us to His banqueting table, and we must come, first of all knowing that He IS. He rewards the truly seeking heart, and the Scriptures tell us that those of us who know Him must share Him with the world. May our "library of resources" and testimonies of faith bless you and bring you to a place of peace and strength as you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

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