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Click here to watch the summary and outline of 1 Peter by Calvary Church.

The Book of 1 Peter

a full study on Bible Study Tools 

The Read Through Scripture series has an excellent 8 minute video of 1 Peter.  Watch and enjoy! 

To listen to the KJV version of 1 Peter, click on the title.

First-Peter overview summary Chuck Swind

 The Reason!   1 Peter 3:15   Pastor Joshua Justice    message notes       3 March 2019   


1 Peter 3:15 instructs us to always be ready to share the reason for the hope that lies within… but what is the reason? And what is "the hope"? We all know that salvation comes through Jesus the Christ, but how do you explain it to others? There are solid and real, hard reasons for our hope, and answers the hurting and lost look for and need. Listen as Pastor Joshua shares the reason for that hope today with more than just the "touchy-feely stuff" of the world.

Why?     Pastor Joshua Justice    7 April 2019

“Why?” That's a question every parent since the dawn of time has endured from the inquisitive toddler following them around, that curious little person who just needs to know because understanding is not always obvious. The good parent is careful to answer in love, but not with too much detail; just enough to satisfy the query of the moment, if possible, with more to come later as the child gets older. The Christian is often in the same boat, asking why of God and awaiting the answer as maturity kicks in. However, the Christian must also be willing to answer that same question as those who don't understand ask him or her to explain the faith, or how he or she can maintain their calm in the face of attacks, or how he or she can be hopeful even in hopeless situations... There are as many reasons to ask why as there are people who ask them We are supposed to be the ones able to answer the question for the people who come to us asking us "Why?" The English Standard Version of 1 Peter 3:15 says it most clearly ~ "...but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect..."

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