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    A Breakdown of the 7 Sins and the 7 Virtues (with corresponding character traits... )  

  the web of sins, virtues, and traits    Deacon/Lay Leader Joshua Justice  28 February 2016    

notes on the sins, virtues, and traits

    Most of the Christian church understands that we are sinners saved by grace, and without Jesus, as Paul says, we would be utterly lost and unable to reach the level of holiness demanded to enter a forever relationship with the God of all creation.  BUT, all is not lost!  In this second of the Lenten series, Deacon Josh shares a visual network showing the relationships between the sins upon which many focus during Lent, and the virtues that counterbalance them.  By tying in character traits, we begin to see just how we can understand the "simple complexity" that is our walk and our way through this world. Understanding, then, the interplay of these sins, virtues, and traits gives us the key to being an overcomer, and grants to us the perspective of heaven...

        (Having the visual open while listening will make the discussion that much more clear.)    

     First Lady Kristina Justice loves history, especially of Christian traditions. So many folks know only a part... just the fasting, or just the ashes, or the feeling of sadness, or mourning... but it is so much more! In this video, she shares an overview of the purpose and traditions of Lent, as well as sharing a challenge to believers who take their faith seriously to make this season a time of "casting light" into dark places.  Take a few minutes and listen as Sister Kristina gives us a brief overview of Lent and learn more of your faith's history... Lent-a time of reflection and renewal which reminds us that our time on earth has reason and purpose.

Those  7 Deadly Sins

Gluttony & Pride    Deacon/Lay Leader Joshua Justice  14 February 2016   notes

          Gluttony - one of those old timey 7 deadly sins... well, at least on one list from the 4th century.  Deacon Josh brings out the foundational history of the Lenten season, and just from where all this stuff about giving things up came.  Lent is that period of time recognized by most of the Christian world to be from Ash Wednesday to Easter.  It is a season of reflection and meant to be a time where followers of Jesus can come again to that point in history where salvation from our sins became a reality and an accomplished feat, not just a hope to which all looked forward.  "It Is FINISHED" was declared from the cross.         So, if it is finished, what's with all the stuff then about doing penance during Lent?  And why is gluttony on the list? The body in which we live is made in the image and likeness of God Himself.  Paul makes clear that our bodies are the "temple of the Holy Ghost" and as such we should and must respect both this body and the soul God has created which resides within. What we do to it reflects our relationship with our Lord. Just a note~gluttony turns out to mean more than food... and fasting is more than going hungry...  In this discussion, Deacon Josh shares history and scripture and makes the reality of coming and staying clean before the Lord less a legalistic have-to and more a joyful want-to.   Listen and you will find more freedom in celebrating the Lenten season in a way that honors God!

Freedom and Victory!   Deacon/Lay Leader Joshua Justice  6 March 2016   notes

          By the 3rd Century AD, patterns of church life were slowly being set in place. By the 4th Century, Christianity was more and more tolerated, accepted, and finally officially recognized. Like any organization, religious or otherwise, the growing church was filled with...people... and people mess up, make mistakes, do wrong things, and generally tend towards sin. The patterns of human behavior have not really changed much over the centuries, but God does not want us to fail, and wants everyone to come to truth, and to escape the consequences of sinful, hurtful choices. He has provided tools to beat back and overcome temptations, the first being an understanding of who He is and just what sin is and can do. We tend to fall into the temptations because we equate them with the action, but the temptation is only the call to choose the wrong action. We don't have to listen, and since God wants us to be successful in life, He has made ways for us to rebuff and ignore those voices that whisper in our ears, or those cravings that want to set up shop in our heads. No~He has called us to freedom, and it is not only possible, but assured IF we follow His plans. He's already handed us the key to unlock our prison doors.... Hint: Use your failures to identify the traps and snares of the enemy, and use that information to disarm those traps and snares!         

A Brief Overview of The Lenten Season

A Look At The Lenten Season And The  7 Deadly Sins

Christmas is important because it brought the Savior to us but this Holy Week shows the culmination of the Promise. It’s amazing to me how touching a service can be with candlelight and truth of the scripture. If you have not had a chance to go to a service this week, if you have not thought about the import of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross, then Prayerfully consider taking some time to be a part of our Holy Week service, by video, but with an open heart to just what it was Jesus did for us.

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