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Holy Week and the depth of the Love and Grief of the Cross....

From Palm Sunday to Pentecost, the last days of Jesus on earth are the most pivotal events of history.... and some of the most horrific for those of us who realize the import of His work, His grace, His willing death on the cross, the storms, the earthquake, the destruction of the Temple veil... and finally His leaving the empty tomb, meeting with His followers, and ascending into heaven leaving the promise of the Helper and the promise of His return to take His own home to heaven. Once the marriage of the Lamb and His bride is final, we will come again to rule and reign with Him, and finally, at the end of that 1000 years, the Usuper and his demons will be defeated and condemned for eternity.

On the cross, at His death, Jesus then kicked open the doors of Hell and accomplished the work of the ceremonial law. Our sins were no longer to be rolled forward, but are now and forever set aside and forgiven because of His sacrifice, His blood. No more is an animal to be the "bookmark".... He has finished the work! We need to then live under the blood and grace of Jesus the Christ, and remember forever that without that first judgment and payment for sin, mercy of forgiveness could not be extended. But that judgment was rendered, the payment made for us, and now His mercy is extended to all who will come and all who will believe. If we keep His commandment we return His love for us. The greatest commandments are to Love God Before All Others, and Love Others As Yourself.... If we love Him, we will keep His commandment, John 14:15

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